Second chance, the chance everyone needs to take - Have you got yours?

One of my favorite quote about life's journey is " When obstacle arise, you change your direction to reach your goal, you do not change your decision to get there " I did many things in life that at first, I wasn't able to accomplish until I gave it a second chance and one of those things is my goal to create my own blog . When I first tried creating one, I was overwhelmed by the things that I need to learn, the things I need to setup and the path I need to take. I was eaten alive by my fears and so I quit. I quit but I never gave up . I still have that goal at the back of my mind. Then reality struck me , I am broke. I can't even pay my own medicines, I can't contribute to my family's finances, I was useless . I needed to do something about it. I know for now that I can't get back to the corporate world, I just can't go back to those hell days of stress and anxiety. But I need to do something. I realized that what I ...